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September 27, 2006
TUQV at Lovecraft Convention

Composer Jason Wallach aka The Unquiet Void will be appearing at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon on October 6-8! Jason will have copies of all of his releases for sale at the con, including the new Lovecraft-inspired The Shadow-Haunted Outside, which is also available for pre-order.
Click the banner for more festival details.
Posted by KD at 06:39 PM
September 14, 2006
New Changelings related titles
 Paul Mercer Psychopathia Sexualis
 Paul Mercer Silents
 Diana Obscura & Damon Young
New music from members of the ultra popular ethereal neo-classical group, The Changelings. While the Damon Young and Diana Obscura title is a restock from late last year, the two albums from Paul Mercer (Changelings violinist/violist) are brand new to Middle Pillar. All three are extraordinary releases. Enjoy!
Please click on the titles for more information.
Posted by KD at 10:42 AM