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SEASONAL: Spooky - Scary - Solstice
Best selling seasonal titles

SALE - Special SixSixSale
Over 100 popular items on sale now, while supplies last - first come, first served! And until Nov 3rd, 23 titles for $6.66 each.

Middle Pillar Presents & Hell's Hundred Records
Updated! Our exclusive labels for ethereal, dark experimental, and gothic music!
And now T-shirts!

HOT PICKS: Deathrock - Esoteric - Gothic - Neo-Folk
Check out our favorite new selections in each of your favorite musicical genres.

Cold Meat - Projekt - Tesco - World Serpent
A selection of best-sellers and sale titles from our favorite labels and distributors.

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Middle Pillar Exclusives & Hard To Find Items
The following are items which are hard to find outside of our catalog, especially at our hard to beat low prices!!